Cognitive Intergrative Therapy
What is Cognitive Interactive Therapy?
Cognitive Integrative Therapy involves the use of a variety of therapeutic elements from different forms of treatments. The ‘integrative’ element of the treatment also refers to the client being treated in a way that integrates the personality, bringing together all systems within the person such as cognitive, behavioural and physiological areas.
A Bespoke Plan of Treatment
What therapies are used within the realms of Integrative cognitive therapy will depend upon your personal case and how your therapist assesses you. No two clients are the same and the use of Integrative cognitive therapy means that you will be treated in accordance with a carefully tailored plan of action, bespoke to suit you.
A Blend of Therapies
At Equilibrium Holistic Healing we blend a few areas of theory from different schools of therapy, focusing upon what works best for our clients. Other therapists will focus more on how the therapy will work, choosing a different blend of treatments; no one way is better than the other and much depends on your circumstances and the therapist that you work with.
If you would like us to put you in touch with a counsellor or analyst that makes use of integrative cognitive therapy, fill in the form below. We will identify a practitioner that is suitable for you and who will be able to assist.
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