This post will be discussing the second of the Reiki Chakras, the Sacral Chakra along with it’s associated traits and their meanings.
As discussed in The 7 Reiki Chakras post, each Chakra is linked to a specific energy centre on the body and is positioned to correspond with a major endocrine gland, which controls overall hormonal balance.
During a Reiki Healing Session, the Reiki Practitioner will focus on clearing energy blockages and thereby helping the client resolve any imbalances which maybe affecting mood, mental clarity, spiritual connection, as well mental physical health.
Sacral Chakra- Svadisthana
Representing – Creativity, Sexuality, Freedom, Joy, Playfulness
Imbalances – Sexual Problems, Creative blocks, Addiction, Guilt
Location – Just below the navel, the sexual organs
Color – Orange
Sound – Vam
Element – Water
Affirmation – I love all dimensions of myself. I delight in weaving the creative tapestry that is my life.
Crystals & Gemstones – Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Fire Opal
Essential Oil – Jasmine, Rose, Ylang-ylang
Sending Light and Love
Stacie X